
I love writing, but apparently I don't have any talent, or I can't find it (if it's something you can find), so my dream of becoming a writer is just that. I'm a lawyer now (yup, no kidding).

Anyway, I love books, music, movies, pizza, lemon pie and people with good sense of humor.  If you don't have any, if you make Mary Bennet look funny, interesting and witty, or if you're a fanatic that's still not acquainted with the fact that people have their own personal taste and therefore, their own opinions about books, music, movies, etc., so you can't bear that another person dislikes your favorite book, song, movie, etc., then please don't talk to me. Let's save the awkwardness :)

The Graduate - Charles Webb Hace tiempo vi la película, y me gustó... ahí. No la tengo entre mis favoritas, tiene detalles que no me terminan de cerrar, cosas que se ven forzadas. No sé. Pero sí sé que a raíz de esta extraña sensación que tengo con la película, tengo ganas de leerlo. Quizás lo que se ve forzado, se lee mejor; no todo se puede trasladar a la pantalla con éxito. Me imagino excepcionales descripciones de lo que pasa por la mente de Benjamin. Ojalá no me equivoque. Por ahora, son solo conjeturas de un libro por adquirir.

Currently reading

American Gods
Neil Gaiman
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear
The Decameron
G.H. McWilliam, Giovanni Boccaccio
Final del juego
Julio Cortázar
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins